Thursday, January 28, 2010

Turkey Shoot II - Part 1


The Black Manatee said...

Greetings Mr Scanablegoose.
Your descritpion of the Turkey Shoot Part 2 has some merit. I feel though that you have fallen down in your failure to include a brief mention of the Insurgent Video Team - who made guest appearances for both missions. Your oversight is made more disapointing due to the miraculous appearance of Fidel and Osama - together at last! I feel that viewers may like to hear about such exciting events, especially one so laden with political intrigue and which begs so many questions... All such comments aside - bravo old boy. Bravo!

ScannableGoose said...

Fear not, oh Blackest of Manatees!
There will indeed be a full expose on the Insurgent Video Team. Certinly they will be getting plenty of play in the current comic arc.
But I think you may be correct......further exposition may be required......

Anonymous said...

Great news for us eager fans of your excellent comic series! We all wait with baited breath for your upcoming expose on those dashed doers of naughty deeds. And by way of a short obiter dictum, I must apologise for my incorrect comment regarding that most vilest of vile axis of evil. I incorrectly stated in my last post that Osama and Fidel were seen together behind the scenes (perhaps sharing a quiet hookah) at the insurgent video studio (aka Channel 1 - praise allah, death to the infidels, burqa burqa). It was of course, none other than Saddam working alongside Osama, and not Fidel. Which of course merely begs further questions, not the least of which is how Saddam continues his support of the rampant horde from beyond the grave... Will it never end? Oh the terror! Oh the injustice! Oh, has anyone seen my keys? TBM